🇫🇷 Salut, je m'appelle Lola ! Je suis née en 1993 et j'habite dans le sud de la France. J'aime la fantasy, les contes de fées, et les histoires d'amour; beaucoup de mes dessins tournent autour de ces thèmes !Pour toutes éventuelles collaborations, merci de me contacter directement à [email protected]🇬🇧 Hello, I’m Lola ! 🌼 I was born in 1993, I’m french, and I live in the south of France (Toulouse). I love medieval fantasy, fairytales and romance !For any business inquiries, please contact me directly at [email protected]

I am currently open for commissions ! If you're a private individual, you'll find my rates and TOU just below. For commercial use, please directly contact me by email.I am good at drawing magical backgrounds, symbolic portraits and romantic scenes ! My style works best with kind of symbolic, fairytalesque composition than candid and realistic shots.I am very very very slow, like a snail but less effervescent, and english isn't my first language, so please be patient with me ! A piece can take me up to six month to complete depending on its complexity.

Terms of use & process

The drawings I realize in the context of these commissions are for personal use only, which means you can’t commercialize them, nor claim authorship over them, or drastically alter them. I retain all the rights to these images. Of course, I will not commercialize or distribute these drawings. Unless specifically requested by yourself, I can display the drawings in my portfolio.I won’t emulate another artist style, copy another artist piece, do a realistic coloring, do another painting or drawing style. Regarding canon characters, if I’ve already drawn them in the past, I will only draw my own interpretation.I keep the right to refuse any commission without having to justify myself. Payment are made through paypal invoice only, and in euros. No reimbursement/refund.Once the drawing is done, you can post it on any social media of your choice, with credits, and the proper tags, if the platform allows it.By paying the invoice you automatically agree to the terms of use.I am comfortable with drawing light nudity and blood. I won’t draw gore, porn, tarot cards, comics, animals and other creatures, and more than 3 characters.Sketches are up to 1 (simple pieces) or 2 (complex pieces) revisions, final drawings to one, be sure to compile all necessary changements within these limitations. Keep in mind that I won't make any big changements when the composition and color palette have been approved and I've started coloring the piece !Any minor additionnal changes such as adding jewelry, accessories, swapping outfit, etc etc requested after paying the invoice are allowed, but I will charge an aditionnal fee and I reserve the right to refuse them.I never fully sketch or clean the background, I only clean the character(s) ! Expect something looking like the doodles and wips I post on my socials. If you’d like a sketch more refined, it will add an additional fee.I am a very slow artist, I like to take my time and not rush through the process, because of personnal convictions but also due to health conditions. A piece can take me up between 2 and 8 months to finish, depending on its complexity.Wips will be send all along the process, you are free to notify me of small modifications (ie: I forgot to draw a tattoo,your character’s hair color is wrong) as I go.